tion in Minneapolis. My first wife, the one who di- vorced me because I was a TV lives there. She has talked to me a lot by long distance about our son and his problems, so I told her I was coming to Minn- eapolis but as Virginia if she wanted to come out to the Airport and talk. She wrote back and said it would be easier if I would come to her apartment for a bite of supper which I did. It gave me something of a lift to be able to know as a matter of fact and not of bragging that Virginia is a much much better looking woman than Charles' first wife. Tall, slim, with a nice figure (I made a special point of that) with a sharp dress and a newly dressed wig, I looked very presentable and the contrast was very obvious. To know that I am able to beat her at her own game considering what was done to me was a real satisfac-
Well, from Minneapolis it was on to Madison for our get-together. Gisele and Cynthia, her wonderful wife were due to arrive from Chicago about 8 PM. When it got to be 10 PM and they still hadn't gotten there we became worried. Then about 11 they burst in and gave us all the news about the Belvidere and Rockford tornadoes of April 21. We hadn't had either radio or TV on and hadn't known anything about it but they had had to drive right thru the area--after the tornadoes had gone by of course. So I missed those and apparently missed again as the day I re- turned to L.A. there were newspaper stories about tornadoes in Minnesota.
Saturday nite we had one of those wonderful par- ties that a group of TVs can have where everybody had so much fun just being themselves. There were about 12 TVs, and 7 or 8 GGs. The affair went on till about 4:30 in the morning and the time never dragged believe me. People can surely enjoy them- selves when nobody is trying to live up to some sort of a social image and being careful not to do or say something that would "lower" their position. The usual heterosexual parties--I should say hetero-